Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I feel like the people that try so hard to be different, are the people that struggle the most. They are the ones with the low self esteem desperately trying to get somebody to notice them. But, I could be wrong. Maybe, they are the ones with the most confidence and just want to stand out among their peers. Whatever their reason may be, whether their self esteem is fallen or they are glowing with confidence, we shouldn't judge them. In fact, I think we should give them props. Give them props for trying something different and new. Really it is a beautiful thing. Imagine if everyone looked the same. Imagine if everyone dressed the same. Or if everyone talked the same and liked the same things. This world would be boring. Diversity in races, styles, hobbies, and skills is what makes life fun. We are attracted to different things. We have different strengths and weaknesses. We all look different, yet we are all human. We all make mistakes. We all have feelings. So why make someone feel worthless or judge someone because of their differences? Everyone has a reason for everything. But they shouldn't have to explain why they do the things they do. It is their choice. I think we should all strive to be different. 

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